The Assumption School offers a wide range of sporting and physical activities as part of the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education curriculum. All students from K to 6 focus on the fundamental movement skills to ensure they able to participate both competitively and for leisure in a range of sports. Sports played at the school include rugby union, rugby league, netball, AFL, hockey, basketball, cricket, touch football, running events and swimming. Through participation in these and other PDHPE activities, students learn a range of team building, cooperative skills and problem solving strategies which benefit them across all Key Learning Areas.
Three school carnivals are held each year:
Success by individuals at these carnivals will provide an opportunity for students to compete at the following carnivals:
The School also participates in a number of gala days each year. At these gala days, chosen Assumption teams comprising of students from our school compete with other schools in our diocese. Success at this level may result in the team progressing to compete with teams from wider areas. Rugby League (Years 3-6), Australian Football League (Years 5&6), Rugby Union (Years 5&6), and Netball (Years 5&6).